The Tallahassee zip code of 32317 is east and south of the Tallahassee city center. It includes some of the newest residential neighborhoods and shopping centers. The area in this zip code is in the Tallahassee Board of Realtor’s northeast and southeast areas of Tallahassee’s MLS.
Buyers want to know what the neighborhood is like before they make a purchase. People want to know who they will be living near and how their neighbors spend their time. Because of this, we have information for you! You can download both the Trade Area Report and the Neighborhood Report below for free.
Who lives in the 32317-zipcode?
We have data reports to answer this question! This trade report is based on data collected by Esri. They take MASSIVE amounts of data and group populations with similar interests and lifestyles. They grouped Tallahassee’s zip code 32317 data into four consumer groups. We have detailed two groups below. By the way, you will find these groups called Tapestry Segments in the report.