Group characteristics in Tallahassee’s 32305 zip code
The biggest consumer groups in the 32305-zipcode are:
- “Down the Road” (46.4% of the population and per trade report below: “Down the Road is a mix of low-density, semirural neighborhoods in large metropolitan areas… almost half of householders live in mobile homes; more than two-fifths live in single-family homes.”)
- “Southern Satellites” (21.7% of the population and per trade report below: “Southern Satellites is the second largest market found in rural settlements but within metropolitan areas located primarily in the South.”)
- “Family Foundations” (11.3% of the population and per trade report below: “Family and faith are the cornerstones of life in the Family Foundations communities.”)
- “City Commons” (8.7% of the population and per trade report below: “This segment is one of Tapestry’s youngest markets. It is primarily comprised of single-parent and single person households living within large, metro cities located primarily in the eastern half of the US.”)
- “Metro Fusion” (7.2% of the population and per trade report below: “Metro Fusion is a young market. Many residents do not speak English fluently and have moved into their homes recently.”)
Most of the residents in Tallahassee’s 32305 zip code are employed in service or professional careers. Most have a high school diploma and own their own home. The median ages for the group above vary around 30 years of age. For example, the biggest group has a median age of 35.7 years old. The smallest group has a median age of 29.7 years. In Tallahassee’s 32305 zip code, the median home values range from $99k to $192K for the five biggest consumer groups.
Zip Code 32305 Biggest Market Segment: Down the Road
First, the biggest group is called the Down the Road segment. Also, this group includes approximately 46.4% of the population or 3,624 households. This group’s median age is 35.7 with a median household income of $44,800. The median net worth is approximately $77,300 and their median home value is $139,400. The residents are young families who value their traditions. Many of the workers in this zip code work in retail trade or other service industries or construction, agricultures and other types of industrial jobs. Nearly two-thirds own their home, and most are married couples. This group is also enjoys hunting and fishing.
Zip Code 32305 Second Biggest Market Segment: Southern Satellites
Next, the second biggest group is the Southern Satellites residents. This group is 21.7% of the population included in the Tallahassee 32305 zip code. That includes 1,698 households. Also, this group’s median age is 41 with a median household income of $54,800. This group is typically slightly older and more settled couples who own their homes. They are employed in various trades. This group enjoys living in the country and doing their own home improvement projects.
Curious about those last three groups: Family Foundations, City Commons, and Metro Fusion? If so, download a free report here: Trade Area Report for Tallahassee’s 32305 zip code.