History of Lakeshore (and Linene Woods) Neighborhoods

Map of Lakeshore area of Tallahassee, Florida
One of my favorite neighborhoods. We used to live on Ridgeland Road and my hounds, and I walked all over this neighborhood and got to know many of the residents. This neighborhood is adjacent to the Linene Woods and shares many characteristics.
These affluent estates were mostly built between 1970 and 1990. While close to the highway and downtown, this neighborhood is zone for the county. That means two things for residents – taxes are lower, and the county deputies show up when you call 911.
These homes are on city water and have septic systems. The largest consumer market in the Lakeshore area are married, empty nesters, most with mortgages and college degrees. One in three households currently receives social security or a retirement income. Many residents (5.5%) are self-employed or working from home.
The Commercial Trade Area Report breaks down the socioeconomic and demographic segments of the Lakeshore area. The primary segments, based on Esri Tapestry data, are displayed in numerical order with #1 being the most dominant. The residents’ characteristics and spending habits are explained in more detail. Download a free report here: Lakeshore Commercial Trade Area Report
The Lakeshore neighborhood report includes charts and statistics about housing, people, economics, and quality of life. So, you can download the report here: Lakeshore Neighborhood Report
The real estate market activity report contains details on active and pending listings and recent sales in the Lakeshore area. These reports will be updated periodically. If you are interested in an updated copy, contact us! Download your copy here: Market Activity Report
Lakeshore homeowners’ association websites and other relevant links:
HOA: none
Facebook Groups: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1436168416684474
This neighborhood is in the Tallahassee zip code of 32312.
Lakeshore / Linene Woods – numbers at a glance… |
Income Per Capita: | $58,627 |
Median Household Income: | $111,071 |
Percentage of owner-occupied homes: | 100% |
Number of 2021 sales in MLS: | 36 |
Range of years homes built (MLS Sold 2021): | 1955 – 2002 |
Average yearly dues: | $0 |
Size of houses (MLS Sold 2021): | 940 sf – 4,400 sf |
Size of yards (MLS Sold 2021): | 0.3 acre – 5.74 acres |
Sold Price Per Square Foot (MLS Sold 2021): | $91.62 – $252.48 |
Please remember, if you are considering a move within or to Tallahassee, we want to be your Tallahassee Realtors.
Contact us at: 850-203-0209 or email me at: [email protected]
Abbe Flynn, Ketcham Realty Group