History of Killearn Estates
Killearn Estates was the first planned community in Tallahassee to have underground utilities. With over 12,000 residents and 3,800 homes in various distinct neighborhoods. Construction started in Killearn Estates in the 1970s and it remains one of the bigger subdivisions in Tallahassee. The neighborhood includes 11 parks, a chain of lakes, many trails and paths – including a bridle path, and playground equipment in shady spots throughout.
Even though these homes are older, the updated and remodeled homes sell quickly in our Tallahassee real estate market. In 2022, the average days on the market was thirty-two, with the median being nineteen. There were five homes on the market for more than 115 days. The neighborhood averaged 33 days on the market in 2021. These homes have some of the most generous yard sizes in the city. If you prefer not to mow, there were ten townhomes sold in 2022. The best history I have read on the Killearn area – including Killearn Estates – can be found here: History of Killearn

Killearn Estates Homeowners’ association websites and other relevant links:
HOA: https://www.killearn.org/
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/787370818296764
This neighborhood is located in the Tallahassee zip code of 32309.
Detailed Reports for Killearn Estates
These reports are available for licensed Realtors and pull data from various resources. The school reports are created by Niche and the trade area data is collected by Esri. These reports are pulled upon request and posted regularly. Please subscribe to our blog to receive updates.
The Neighborhoods
The Killearn Estates neighborhood report includes charts and statistics about housing, people, economics, and quality of life. As of December 2022, home values rose almost 13% year over year. The median home age is thirty-eight, and 78% of residents are homeowners. The median age of residents is forty-six, with a median household income of over $85,000. Most of the homes are bigger than the average Tallahassee homes and have four bedrooms.
Download the December 2022 neighborhood report: Neighborhood Report for Killearn Estates
Download the March 2022 report here: Neighborhood Report for Killearn
The Real Estate Market Reports
The market activity report details the active and pending listings and recent sales in Killearn Estates. These reports will be updated periodically. If you are interested in an updated copy, contact us! See an overview of the most recent sales below.
Download your December 2022 report here: Market Activity Report for Killearn Estates
Download your March 2022 report here: Market Activity Report for Killearn
The Trade Report
The Commercial Trade Area Report breaks down the socioeconomic and demographic segments of Killearn Estates. The primary segments, based on Esri Tapestry data, are displayed in numerical order with #1 being the most dominant. The residents’ characteristics and spending habits are explained in detail.
The biggest segment of residents in the Killearn Estates area is the Savvy Suburbanites. These families include empty nesters who are well-educated, well-read, and with higher-than-average wealth. Most are two-income households and residents prefer gardening and remodeling. This population segment contains approximately 54% of the residents of the neighborhood. Read about the other popular resident segments in the reports below.
Download the December 2022 report here: Commercial Trade Area Report for Killearn Estates
Download the March 2022 report here: Commercial Trade Area Report for Killearn
Real Estate Details for Killearn Estates
Killearn Estates– numbers at a glance… | |
Income Per Capita: | $42,507 |
Median Household Income: | $85,432 |
Percentage of owner-occupied homes: | 78% |
Number of 2022 DSF homes sales in MLS | 118 |
Number of 2021 sales in MLS: | 187 |
Range of years homes built (MLS Sold 2022): | 1966-2019 |
Average yearly dues listed MLS (2022): | $150 |
Home prices (MLS Sold 2022): | Ranges: $150,000 – $716,000
Median $399,450 |
Size of houses (MLS Sold 2022): | Ranges: 1,024sf – 3,451sf
Median 2,232 sf |
Average size of yards (MLS Sold 2022): | .48 acres |
Sold Price Per Square Foot (MLS Sold 2022): | Ranges: $93.06 – $217.82
Median $190.61 |
For the sales in 2022, there were 26% of the houses had fireplaces and only 18% had pools.
If you are considering a move within Tallahassee or to Tallahassee, we would love to help.
Contact us at: 850-203-0209 or email me at: [email protected]
Abbe Flynn, Ketcham Realty Group