History of the Greenwood Hills Subdivision

Map of the area near Greenwood Hills
This neighborhood is in northwest Tallahassee off North Monroe. Most residents have professional careers and college educations. This neighborhood abuts Lake Jackson and some homes have lake views. Homes are older, built in the late 1970s and early 1980s when this community was out in the boondocks. This neighborhood is hilly with mature trees, similar to Lakeshore and Linene Woods.
The most dominant commercial segment for this area is the In Style group which makes up only 2.2% of the US population. This neighborhood has very low unemployment and most residents carry a mortgage and drive late-model SUVs or trucks. This population is older and closer to retirement. Many are empty-nesters or married couples without children.
If you like statistics, the Commercial Trade Area Report breaks down the socioeconomic and demographic segments of the Greenwood Hills area. The primary segments, based on Esri Tapestry data, are displayed in numerical order with #1 being the most dominant. The residents’ characteristics and spending habits are explained in more detail. Download your free copy here: Commercial Trade Report
The Greenwood Hills neighborhood report includes charts, trends, and statistics about housing, people, economics, and quality of life. This includes information about median incomes, age distributions, education levels, etc. So, if you want more information, you can download the full report here: Neighborhood Report
The real estate market activity report contains details on active and pending listings and recent sales in Greenwood Hills. These reports will be updated periodically. If you are interested in an updated copy, contact us! Download your copy here: Market Activity
Greenwood Hills homeowners’ association websites and other relevant links:
HOA: none found
Facebook Groups: none found
This neighborhood is in the Tallahassee zip code of 32303.
Greenwood Hills – numbers at a glance… |
Income Per Capita: | $27,403 |
Median Household Income: | $64,500 |
Percentage of owner-occupied homes: | 83% |
Number of 2021 sales in MLS: | 4 |
Range of years homes built (MLS Sold 2021): | 1971- 1986 |
Average yearly dues: | $200 |
Size of houses (MLS Sold 2021): | 1,552 sf – 2,343 sf |
Size of yards (MLS Sold 2021): | 0.46 acre – 1.19 acres |
Sold Price Per Square Foot (MLS Sold 2021): | $136.58 – $157.88 |
Please remember, if you are considering a move within or to Tallahassee, we want to be your Tallahassee Realtors.
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email me at: [email protected]
Abbe Flynn, Ketcham Realty Group