As Tallahassee real estate agents, we have created this site to share our beautiful city and the surrounding area. We also want to provide valuable real estate information for Tallahassee and the Big Bend of Florida.
Another reason for our website is that many of our local business owners have been hurt by the loss of revenue during the pandemic and the recession. We will be taking this space to promote locally owned businesses and events. Please let us know if you have a favorite LOCAL contractor, restaurant, shop, or service, please let us know!
Please follow us on YouTube. Our channel name is LivingInTallahassee. We post videos similar to our blog articles. Quick shorts about Tallahassee and local events and people. Let us know if you have a favorite local park, festival, or street fair! We are always looking to add new material!
When it comes time for you to buy or sell a home in the Tallahassee area, we can help. Please contact us. We would love to be your Tallahassee real estate agents. We have a free book for home buyers. The seller’s book is coming out in November 2022. We are diligently reading through peer-reviewed research so we can tell sellers what matters to your bottom line when you sell.
Abbe Flynn, MS
Tallahassee Real Estate Agent and
Broker Associate with
Ketcham Realty Group
1203 Thomasville Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32303